The Camp Blount Historic Site Association offers three levels of General and Charter membership.
Explore the options below to find the best membership option for you or your family.
All membership levels receive the Association's digital newsletter and invitations to board meetings.
Charter member names are added to the plaque located at the Volunteer Plaza on the park grounds.
While the work of uncovering and revealing the stories and artifacts that create the historical significance of a site is interesting and necessary for proper preservation, this act alone is not enough. Sites such as Camp Blount, with enduring and disappearing history, deserve proper interpretation for the public good. As famed naturalist and cultural interpretation pioneer Freeman Tilden wrote, “naturalists, historians, archaeologists, and other specialists are engaged in the work of revealing, to such visitors as desire the service, something of the beauty and wonder, the inspiration and spiritual meaning that lie behind what the visitor can with his senses perceive.” Such is true of the Camp Blount Historical Site, and with the assistance of the Tennessee Wars Commission, the Camp Blount Historic Site Association, and the generosity of the residents of Lincoln County and other donors, the vital work of historical interpretation and preservation is underway at Camp Blount.